Face to Face Terapi http://www.facetofaceterapi.com Face to Face Terapi Merkezi RSS Feed Nadine Yıldız http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/112/nadine-yildiz.html Kanada da bulunan Memorial University’de, CPA akredisyonlu Psikoloji Doktora (PsyD) programinda okuy... M. Rita Krespi Ülgen http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/111/m-rita-krespi-ulgen.html M. Rita Krespi Ülgen, Prof. Dr., Klinik Psikolog, Sağlık Psikoloğu, Aile DanışmanıBoğaziçi Üniversit... Deniz Arslan http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/106/deniz-arslan.html Lisans eğitimimi Bilgi Üniversitesi Psikoloji Bölümünde (ingilizce-tam burslu) onur derecesi ile tam... Tuba Alkan http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/103/tuba-alkan.html Tuba Alkan, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi İmalat Mühendisliğinden mezun olduktan sonra profesyonel ha... 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Bilinçdışı Nedir? http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/31/bilincdisi-nedir.html Psikanalitik teoriye göre doğduğumuz andan itibaren bilinçdışında içsel bir dünya yaratırız. Bizimle... Bebek ile başlayan Evlilik Problemleri http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/30/bebek-ile-baslayan-evlilik-problemleri.html Gözde Bilenser, Çift ve Aile Terapisti Evlilik, çiftlerin bebek yapmaya karar vermesi ile değişime b... Terapi, Destek ve Rüya Grupları http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/29/terapi-destek-ve-ruya-gruplari.html Grup oluşturmak, insanlara bir araya gelerek bir ilişkiler ağı çerçevesinde kendilerini, içinde bulu... E-Terapi http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/28/e-terapi.html Skype veya FaceTime olanakları ile E-Terapi, psikoterapiye erişimin rahat ve yüz yüze olan biçimi ka... Terapi, Destek ve Rüya Grupları http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/27/terapi-destek-ve-ruya-gruplari.html Grup oluşturmak, insanlara bir araya gelerek bir ilişkiler ağı çerçevesinde kendilerini, içinde bulu... Çocuk, Ergen ve Aile Terapisi http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/26/cocuk-ergen-ve-aile-terapisi.html Face to Face Therapia’da 5-17 yaş aralığındaki çocuk ve ergenler için, gerekirse ebeveynleri ile bir... Çift Terapisi http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/25/cift-terapisi.html Melike Kayhan, Psikanalist, Psikoterapist, Çift ve Aile TerapistiÇift terapisi, çatışma ya da duygus... Bireysel Terapi http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/24/bireysel-terapi.html Bireysel psikoterapi, bir kendini tanıma ve farkındalık geliştirme sürecidir. Bu süreç boyunca duygu... Travma ve EMDR http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/23/travma-ve-emdr.html Travma nedir?Travma, yaşadığımız stresli durumları algılayış şeklimizdir. Aynı olayı yaşayan bazı ki... Logoterapi ve Varoluşçu Analiz http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/22/logoterapi-ve-varoluscu-analiz.html Logoterapi ve Varoluşçu Analiz, hümanist akımlar grubunda bir psikoterapi yöntemidir. Bu anlayışa gö... Psikanalitik Psikoterapi http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/21/psikanalitik-psikoterapi.html Melike Kayhan, Psikanalist, Psikoterapist, Aile ve Çift Terapisti Terapi arayışı içinde olmak so... Çocuklarda Sınav Kaygısı http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/20/cocuklarda-sinav-kaygisi.html Bireyin sınav öncesinde ya da sınav sırasında deneyimlediği, kaygının bilişsel, duygusal, fizyolojik... Çocuklarda Okul Fobisi http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/19/cocuklarda-okul-fobisi.html Okul korkusu okula yeni başlayan bir çocukta ortaya çıkacağı gibi, çocuğun okulda yaşadığı herhangi ... Çocukta Öfke ve Saldırganlık http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/18/cocukta-ofke-ve-saldirganlik.html Herkeste var olan olası bir duygudur öfke, bu kolaydır. Ne var ki doğru insana, doğru derecede, doğr... Çocukta Korku http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/17/cocukta-korku.html Genel anlamıyla korku; algılanan bir tehdit anında hissedilen gerilim ve bu gerilim sonucunda güçlü ... Çocuklarda Yas - Ölüm Kavramı http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/16/cocuklarda-yas---olum-kavrami.html Evrensel olarak ölüm yüzleşmesi, anlamlandırması en soyut ve zor olan bir kavramlardandır. Yetişkinl... Travma http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/15/travma.html Yakın zamanda ya da uzun bir zaman önce yaşamında travmatik bir olaya maruz kalmış insanlar, bu trav... Farklı Cinsel Eğilimler, Fetiş ve BDSM http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/14/farkli-cinsel-egilimler-fetis-ve-bdsm.html Face to Face Therapia'da cinsel tercihleri, aktiviteleri veya kimlikleri ne olursa olsun tüm danışan... Duygudurum Bozuklukları http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/13/duygudurum-bozukluklari.html Duygudurum; duygularımızın belli bir zaman birimindeki tanımını ifade eden psikolojik bir terimdir. ... Dinsel ve Spritüel Konular http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/12/dinsel-ve-sprituel-konular.html Dinsel veya spritiüel alanda karışık düşünceler içinde ya da bir değişim döneminde misiniz? Dinsel i... Cinsel Yönelimler ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/11/cinsel-yonelimler-ve-toplumsal-cinsiyet.html Face to Face Therapia uzmanları; kendini homoseksüel, biseksüel, transseksüel, questioning, queer, e... Benlik ve Kişilik Sorunları http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/10/benlik-ve-kisilik-sorunlari.html Bebekliğimizden itibaren sürekli bir etki-tepki döngüsü çerçevesinde çevremizi algılar, kendimizi ve... Anksiyete (Kaygı) http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/9/anksiyete-kaygi.html En insani yaşantılardan biri olan anksiyete (kaygı) bazen hayatımızı engelleyecek ve üzerimizde bask... Kurumsal Sağlık http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/7/kurumsal-saglik.html Son yıllarda yapılan araştırmaların sonuçlarına göre işyerlerinde devamsızlık ve düşük performans ci... Melike Kayhan http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/tr/makale/1/melike-kayhan.html Melike KAYHAN, Psikanalist (CP-UK), Psikanalitik Psikoterapist (UKCP, PA), MSc. Çift Terapisti, Aile... Melike Kayhan http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/1/melike-kayhan.html Melike KAYHAN, Psychoanalyst (CP-UK), Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist (UKCP, PA), MSc. (Couples Thera... Corporate Health http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/7/corporate-health.html Absenteeism and under-performance is rising dramatically in the workplace, according to recent studi... Anxiety http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/9/anxiety.html At Face to Face Therapia we believe that the ‘symptoms’ of anxiety are not exclusively triggered by ... Self-esteem and Personality Issues http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/10/self-esteem-and-personality-issues.html From the moment we are born,we begin to perceive our environment, in a cycle of impacts and response... Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/11/sexual-orientation-and-gender-identity.html Face to Face Therapia welcomes gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and asexual individuals struggli... Religious & Spiritual Issues http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/12/religious--spiritual-issues.html Life is full of spiritual challenges. Those who follow formal religions may have periods when they q... Mood Disorders http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/13/mood-disorders.html Mood is a psychological term which defines the emotional state of a person at a certain time. As hum... Kink, Fetish & BDSM http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/14/kink-fetish--bdsm.html At Face to Face Therapia we welcome all people regardless of their sexual practices, preferences or ... Trauma http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/15/trauma.html Psychological trauma can be caused by a single incident such as an accident or violent attack, or pr... Mourning in Children - The Concept of Death http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/16/mourning-in-children---the-concept-of-death.html The death of a loved one is one of the most difficult and abstract concepts for any of us to compreh... Fear in Children http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/17/fear-in-children.html In general, fear is a tension felt at the moment of perceived danger. As a result of this tension, a... Rage and Violence in Children http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/18/rage-and-violence-in-children.html Rage is a common and unexceptional feeling. The difficult aspects of rage are; expressing ittowards ... Fear of School in Children http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/19/fear-of-school-in-children.html Fear of school may develop in a child who has just started school or because of a problem the child ... Fear of Exams in Children http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/20/fear-of-exams-in-children.html Many children and young people suffer situation-specific symptoms of anxiety before or during exams.... Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/21/psychoanalytic-psychotherapy.html Making a healthy decision to seek therapyMany people put off seeking therapy because they feel nervo... Logotherapy and Existential Analysis http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/22/logotherapy-and-existential-analysis.html A search for meaning is the dominant motivating force in our lives. This is the central tenet of Log... Trauma & EMDR http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/23/trauma--emdr.html What is trauma?When we experience psychological trauma, we are having a very natural reaction to a h... Individual Therapy http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/24/individual-therapy.html Individual therapy is a process of self-inquiry. It can help you understand yourself, your relations... Couples Therapy http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/25/couples-therapy.html Couples therapy focuses on the dynamics of two or more people who are in conflict over a specific is... Children, Adolescents & Families http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/26/children-adolescents--families.html At Face to Face Therapia, we provide psychotherapy and counselling to children and adolescents betwe... Group Therapy, Support Groups and Demystifying Dreams http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/27/group-therapy-support-groups-and-demystifying-dreams.html When we interact with others, we learn about ourselves. This is why group therapy can be so benefici... E-Therapy http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/28/e-therapy.html E-therapy is a convenient way of receiving therapy at a time and in a place that suits you. It can b... Therapy, Support and Dream Groups http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/29/therapy-support-and-dream-groups.html Group facilitation allows people to come together and develop self-awareness in relationship to each... Marital Problems that Start with the Newborn Baby http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/30/marital-problems-that-start-with-the-newborn-baby.html All relationships change when a couple decide to have a baby. In the first instance, they have to pr... What is Unconscious? http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/31/what-is-unconscious.html According to psychoanalytic theory, we create an inner world in the unconscious since birth. Unconsc... How does Couples Therapy work? http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/32/how-does-couples-therapy-work.html Melike KayhanWhat is Couples Therapy?  Why do couples stay in painful relationships?One of the most ... Why Films are Therapeutic http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/33/why-films-are-therapeutic.html Sometimes, a book or a film can change your life. Nearly everyone has a movie that they can watch re... Writings and Links #02 http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/35/writings-and-links-02.html Dr. Bruce ScottI am a contributor to "R.D. Laing: 50 Years since the Divided Self", Edited by Theodo... Contact Us http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/36/contact-us.html Face to Face Therapia Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy andMarital Therapy CentreTel:+90 212 325 75 35 +... Links and Resources http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/38/links-and-resources.html The Philadelphia Association: Psychotherapy, Philosophy, Communitywww.philadelphia-association.org.u... Cognitive Behavioural Therapy http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/39/cognitive-behavioural-therapy.html Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) focuses on the effects of learning and experience on human behav... Psychoanalysis http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/40/psychoanalysis.html What is psychoanalysis?Psychoanalysis is a type of psychotherapeutic treatment that seeks to reveal ... Psychoanalytic Couples Therapy http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/41/psychoanalytic-couples-therapy.html Psychoanalytic Therapy for CouplesHigh expectations in our close relationshipsIn our busy lives, we ... Demystifying Dreams http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/42/demystifying-dreams.html Meets the first & third Wednesday of each month, 6:00 - 8:00 pm                                     ... Therapy & Support Groups http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/43/therapy--support-groups.html Group facilitation allows people to come together and learn about themselves in relationship to each... Writings and Links #01 http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/44/writings-and-links-01.html Dr. Bruce ScottI am author of "Testimony of Experience: Docta Ignorantia and the Philadelphia Associ... Sexual Therapy http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/46/sexual-therapy.html Why do people sometimes need Sex therapy?Most of us would like our sexual relationships to be loving... How do we Treat Premature Ejaculation? http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/50/how-do-we-treat-premature-ejaculation.html Most clients seeking help for a premature ejaculation problem are hoping for quick, miraculous solut... How do we Treat Vaginismus? http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/51/how-do-we-treat-vaginismus.html How do we treat vaginismus?For women with vaginismus, the act of vaginal penetration appears frighte... Gestalt Therapy http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/52/gestalt-therapy.html Gestalt therapy is about self-discovery and self-growth - a process in which we feel and become more... Staying in a Marriage for Children http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/53/staying-in-a-marriage-for-children.html A relationship begins naturally with love and excitement. A few years later, the happy couple get ma... Adapting to a New School http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/56/adapting-to-a-new-school.html Children, just like adults, go through a process of adaptation when they encounter new situations an... Children with Special Needs http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/57/children-with-special-needs.html Some children have learning difficulties, some suffer developmental delays, some develop personality... Parents and Children: Setting and Maintaining Boundaries http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/58/parents-and-children-setting-and-maintaining-boundaries.html Every individual creates a personal space in their lives. The size of this personal space is differe... Let's Eat! http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/59/lets-eat.html Nutrition is important for children's physical development and psychological well-being. When a moth... Depression http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/61/depression.html What is depression?We often hear people say they are "depressed", "sad" or "feeling low".Though unpl... Sexual Dysfunction and Treatment of Sexual Disorders http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/63/sexual-dysfunction-and-treatment-of-sexual-disorders.html Many people are embarrassed to talk about sex and share sexual problems. However, nearly everybody e... Panic Disorder: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/64/panic-disorder-symptoms-causes-and-treatment.html Panic disorder is a common and serious condition which usually emerges in early teenage years. There... Seminar Series http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/73/seminar-series.html There will be a seminar in December to parents on guiding them how to inform their children on sexua... Mainpage Text http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/76/mainpage-text.html We provide professional, thoughtful, compassionate psychotherapy to individuals, couples and famil... The truth about infidelity http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/78/the-truth-about-infidelity.html Melike KayhanPsychoanalysts are seeing a sharp rise in extramarital affairs among couples. Why do we... Vincent Sienkiewicz http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/79/vincent-sienkiewicz.html Existential-Humanistic Integrative Psychotherapy is a form of therapy that places the individual and... Gökçe Yücel Akyol http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/90/gokce-yucel-akyol.html Gökçe Yücel Akyol graduated from Koç University with a double major in psychology and sociology. She... Naciye Ersözlü Çitil http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/92/naciye-ersozlu-citil.html I have finished my M.A. in Clinical Psychology in California, U.S.A. The graduate program I have att... Ayşe Zeynep Kocaoğlu http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/96/ayse-zeynep-kocaoglu.html She studied psychology and dance at Franklin and Marshall College, having graduated with a double ma... Tuba Alkan http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/103/tuba-alkan.html Tuba Alkan was introduced to Psychoanalysis after studying Manufacturing Engineering at ITU (Istanbu... Deniz Arslan http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/106/deniz-arslan.html I completed my degree education at the department of Psychology at Bilgi University with full schola... M. Rita Krespi Ülgen http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/111/m-rita-krespi-ulgen.html M. Rita Krespi Ülgen, Prof. Dr., Clinical Psychologist, Health Psychologist, Family CounselorI compl... Nadine Yıldız http://www.facetofaceterapi.com/en/makale/112/nadine-yildiz.html Qualifications: Doctor of Psychology Candidate Approach: Acceptance and Commitment, Cognitive-Behav...